Chiropractic Treatments: Neck Pain
Neck pain is usually caused when there is a prolonged or repetitive movement of the neck for an extended period of time. Pain of this kind usually regresses within 4 to 6 weeks. Acute or short term neck pain can be relieved by home remedies like applying ice or heat and over the counter medications. If it is caused due to muscle spasms, the doctor may prescribe stronger medications to cope with the pain. Neck pain can be treated effectively by using manual therapy, mobilization and manipulation. This can be done with the help of a physiotherapist or a chiropractor. Stretching and strengthening muscles can help with regressing the pain. Also, the use of a cervical collar to support the neck can also reduce the pain, but should be used only for a day or two. The treatment approach by a chiropractor for neck pain is discussed below in this article.